S1: The Art of Being Humane

Being Humane. There is no match for it. I have said it before and it is worth incessantly repeating. Said what? A bit about the organization called the Humane Society. The wonderful entity who exists primarily in the interest of animals being treated in a humane manner. Kudos. Bravo to them. Seriously. Check them out online. They do amazing work. Humanity needs them. However, this site is not about that plight.  

HumaneSupremeNOW is about expressing the value and benefits of a more humane society, for humans. It is about instigating clean, pure, positive energy around transforming humanity into an improved place. Just as skillful hands can transform a blank canvas into a priceless work of art, interested collectives of humans across the globe uniting their energies as one can help humanity be a better space. 

You say, “But what exactly is Being Humane and why are you calling it Art?”

Great question. Glad you asked. 

If looking at it microscopically, Being Humane clearly embodies quite a lot. It entails being kind, thoughtful, considerate and the like. Basically it invokes general courtesies, yet really much more. However, still, it can be bottom-lined by thinking of it as synonymous with treating others with decency and dignity. 

Art is intentional. It wants to create a notable impact on the one who consumes it. It wants that impact to touch or tip something within the consumer and ignite reactions that cause them to return for more consuming. It wants to have transforming outcomes. It wants incessant replication of those outcomes. Likewise, it is with Being Humane. And just like art, treating others with decency and dignity must be intentional. 

Being Humane can create notable impacts for everyone involved. Those impacts can touch or tip something within and ignite reactions that cause everyone involved to replicate the matter. It can have very pleasant and very helpful cyclical transforming outcomes. 

Being Humane, is indeed an art. But here’s the thing, none of us need to 'go get' the skills to do it. It is a universally innate desire and trait. Amid being bombarded with programmed distractions and being anesthetized by various energies opposing the natural urge to Be Humane, many folks either simply forgot about the purity and value of that innate desire and trait or they just unintentionally got numbed up thus can no longer sense it. Hence, flowing in the-human-blue-print-way of Being Humane must NOW be intentional.  

Let this be a gentle reminder and movement away from not being able to feel what is good, natural, and right when it comes to how humans should treat each other.

Let this be a reminder to tap into and re-exude the fullness of what we truly are and who we truly are as human beings, and why we are here.

Yes.  WHO we are.  WHAT we came to do.  WHY we are here.

Let’s harness the power and value of Being Humane to each other, more and more.

Let's share about it in whatever realm and on whatever platform we see fit, more and more.

Being Humane, is [the way] of being that wants to be re-engaged. NOW.  More than ever, it wants to be incessantly replicated all across the human kingdom, forever.

We arrived into our physical bodies to BE art, to Be Humane Beings.

We did not come into our bodies to be crazy and crass toward our human counterparts.  

No. We did not come to be crazy and crass.

The misplaced glory embedded within the most sought after world-leader titles can never match the evident glory in the Art of Being Humane nor can any amount of money, currency, celebrity, fame, nor can highly acclaimed credentials and various other chased-after titles. Innately, every human knows the limitations of such vain-glory versus the limitless benefits of genuine goodness...decency and dignity.

No matter where you were born and how you were born and what you are experiencing, you know you did not come into your body to encounter the messes happening across the globe. No. You did not. You know you did not come for such non-sense. No. You did not.

You came to BE. To just be. To be the value of what you are when you arrived. Human. Period. That alone, is the epitome of art. Couple that with flowing in general courtesies toward your human counterparts because they are human beings too and treating them with decency and dignity...is the Art of Being Humane.

The Art of Being Humane is IN you. The Art of Being Humane IS you. 

The Art of Being Humane embodies that which every human already intimately knows.  

And, Being Humane is the solution for ending humanity's pain.


Sylvia R. Draper | Thought Leader | World-View Citizen | Humanity Advocator 

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