Humans - Products of Ineffable Conception | The World System and Afterbirth Abuse

The system of things in the world have bamboozled the human kingdom. We have been hoodwinked by many “off” processes and practices, errant rules and regulations, the concoction of incorrect labels, and intentional inequities. It is no secret that we’re all very tired of this afterbirth abuse.

With our mind’s eye beholding our bodies, we are keenly aware of why humans are born. We are not ignorant about what [was] and what [is] supposed to happen after people are born. We all know, abuse of any sort was not, and, is not the right brew thus it does not sit well with us. It never has and it never will sit well with us.

To be sure, some systems within the world are quite fine. So there will be no trashing of the entire world system on these pages. No, not at all. We need processes, practices, rules, and regulations. We need the right ones though. We never needed the off, errant, and incorrect stuff found in the breeding ground of wrong notions -particularly such that pits humans against each other.

This writer prefers not referring to human beings as "products" in the traditional sense of the word because we are not “things”. However, we are of course “produced” out of something; formed, created. We are beings conceived in the womb of THE CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS. In essence, we are products of ineffable conception who, afterbirth, have had to contend with the whirlwinds of world system abuse.

The word “abuse” indicates being used in abnormal ways. Being used in abnormal ways is happening to humans in some capacity, throughout the landscape of our species. And it is happening nearly incessantly. This is not a private matter. Everybody knows it.

  • What can be done about this afterbirth encounter with contention-laced abnormal human energy?
  • How can we generate an assured flow of healing balm for it?
  • When can we dis-empower world systems where contention and abusive human energy breed?

Yikes. Those questions are too big to attempt answering with any degree of accuracy. Yet just because answers to hard questions are not quite palpable or are completely unknown, does not mean an answer is not available. Just because a thing is not visible, does not mean it does not exist.

Meanwhile, as we continue on the path of the present we are given called the gift of life, even amid not knowing exactly what we can do to access the healing balm for wounds incurred afterbirth from “off” world systems -it can be helpful to take comfort in remembering these words:  The bamboozling systems of the world throwing the toxicity of [people-against-people] onto the path of human life in effort to permanently hoodwink the very nature of our beings, will have their day in DIVINE COURT(side note - these words are not a threat nor a promise - it simply is what it is)

There is a COURT who sits HIGHER than what some countries describe as a supreme court. There is a COURT who sits above all lands and all seas and who indeed is THE GREAT WATCHER of every single one of us and WHO has full view of all the systems pertaining to every single human product of ineffable conception.

So post exiting the WOMB OF THE MOST HIGH, if one wants to weep about the abuse incurred afterbirth via the abnormal use of energy demonstrated in the turning of humans against each other, that weeping should be allowed to flow. If weeping comes for us, it’s okay. If we cannot weep, that’s alright too. Either way, humanity’s healing balm is nigh.  It is even, already, ready to flow...from within you.


Sylvia R. Draper | Thought Leader | World-View Citizen | Humanity Advocate

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